We are currently experiencing a high level of calls

To keep our phone lines available for those who can’t get online and for emergencies, please use our digital services whenever you can.

Email us at: enquiries@thrivehomes.org.uk

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We want to offer all customers the chance to have a strong voice and there is many ways you can give your input. Get in touch to find out more by clicking here.

Meeting the Consumer Standards in 2019-20

Each year Thrive’s Customer Experience Panel undertake an exercise to check Thrive’s compliance with the Consumer Standards and identify actions for improvement.

Below you can learn about the full actions carried out during 2019-20 against each of the four standards as set by the Government and you can read more about the work the CEP carries out in the background to meet these by clicking here to read a blog release from CEP Chair, Andy Sage. 

Do you have any ideas or suggestions for meeting the Consumer Standards?

If so, your Customer Experience Panel would love to hear from you and you can get in touch by clicking here.

  • Home Standard

    Our core offer is to provide safe and well maintained homes.

    During 2019-20, Thrive worked closely with the Customer Experience Panel (CEP) and Service Shapers Group (SSG) to share, develop and collaborate on a range of actions as follows:

    • Achieving attending to 100% of emergencies completed within target.
    • Achieving 95% customer satisfaction with the repairs service.
    • Carrying out 100% fire safety checks in communal areas.
    • Carrying out 100% monthly sheltered scheme inspections. 
  • Tenancy Standard

    We're committed to providing all our customers with a stable tenancy, regardless of tenure.

    During 2019-20, Thrive worked closely with the Customer Experience Panel (CEP) and Service Shapers Group (SSG) to share, develop and collaborate on a range of actions to support this as follows:

    • Reported on the performance of Home Plan visits, including carrying out visits for two CEP members and reviewing
    • Shared the Tenure Policy and Empty Homes and Lettings Policy with the CEP
    • Provided continuous transparency with the CEP reporting on the number of tenancies extended.
  • Neighbourhood and Community Standard

    During 2019-20, Thrive worked closely with the Customer Experience Panel (CEP) and Service Shapers Group (SSG) to share, develop and collaborate on a range of actions as follows:

    • Held a workshop with the CEP on ASB and Intervention, including an overview of case types and satisfaction on individual cases
    • Provided regular feedback on ASB cases including nature, resolutions and timescales from report to resolution and satisfaction
    • Provided the SSG with telephone call performance statistics
    • Achieved, sign off and shared the Estate Management Policy
  • Tenant Involvement and Empowerment Standard

    Thrive is committed to involving customers in a meaningful way at the earliest possible stage using initiatives that create an impact.

    During 2019-20, Thrive worked closely with the Customer Experience Panel (CEP) and Service Shapers Group (SSG) to share, develop and collaborate on a range of actions including:

    • Engaging customers through re-opening communication channels and targeting communications to reach the desired audience
    • Increasing the opportunities for customers to get involved and provide feedback, ranging from a Question Time event to a feedback click button on the website
    • Improving the customer surveys and satisfaction measures to accurately capture the customer experience
    • Providing regular updates on Thrive's approach to Equality and Diversity