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Equality and Diversity

Our Statement of Intent

At Thrive we are committed to providing equality of opportunity for everyone we provide services to and to the people we employ and do business with.

  1. Overview
    This framework sets out to describe how Thrive will interact and design ways of operating that are respectful, useful and supportive of everyone.

  2. Version history
    V1.0 01/05/2022 

    Reviewed by Executive Director Operations and Thrive's AllTogether Working Group 

  3. Introduction
    At Thrive we want to create an experience that assures everyone we come into contact with that we:

    - Are committed to respecting the experiences and beliefs of the people we engage with,
    - Are flexible, understanding people’s needs differ,
    - Don’t make judgements about people’s life choices/personal characteristics,
    - Make good rational decisions based on creditable criteria.

    This Framework seeks to articulate the cornerstones from which our approach to being a professional landlord and employer are based.

  4. Scope
    This framework sets the foundations from which we expect our colleagues to behave, design and deliver services to our customers. We also want to create a work culture that embraces the diversity of every Thrive team member, a place where colleagues can be the person they want to be.

    The underpinning principles apply to Board Members and third parties engaged with us to deliver services to our customers and colleagues.

  5. Statement of Intent
    5.1 Inclusive by Design
    In order to deliver our services, we will develop policies, strategies and processes that are free from direct and indirect discrimination, ensuring we understand what we need to do, how we do it and by when.

    We will endeavour to create efficient systems and processes that are underpinned by fair, respectful and efficient principles, taking into account that people have different needs, will access our services in different ways and may have different expectation of us based on lived experience. That’s our baseline position. 

    We understand that a one-sized approach will not reflect the needs of everyone and so we will ensure there is always flexibility built into what we do so that we can tailor our processes to better reflect the needs of the people impacted within the scope of what’s possible.

    5.2 Language and tone of communications
    Lots of the things we do are required through regulation or legislation. The temptation often is to fill written communications full of complex and technical language. At Thrive we want to keep all communications simple, avoiding jargon only referring to legislation/regulation when it’s absolutely necessary.  

    Customers will be asked to express their preferred language for communications or record a preference for larger text or braille. We use the ‘Reachdeck’ online accessibility tool so we can engage with customers in the language they find the easiest to use or have text enlarged and can signpost customers to support if they cannot access this online service.

    We will use multiple channels of external communication, emails, texts, newsletters, our Website, the My Thrive Hub the majority of which can be fine tuned to meet customers preferences. We rely considerably on digital forms of communication where possible, but fully appreciate talking to us maybe the customer preferred method of engagement with us. 

    We will use multiple channels of internal communication, emails, texts, OneThrive, the Thrive Hub some of which can be fine tuned to meet colleague preferences. We seek to balance digital communications with opportunities to engage face to face with team members, other key colleagues and the wider Thrive team. 

    5.3 Positive Intention
    In the work we do our intention will always be centred on doing the right thing as a professional landlord and employer. Our intent comes from a desire to be:

    - respectful and empathetic
    - accommodating and flexible
    - open honest.

    When we review our services to customers and colleagues, we will test ourselves to ensure we are upholding this position with a desire to continuously improve the way we conduct our business.

    Working in this way our intention is to foster a positive, inclusive and tolerant business. Its therefore important to us that everyone is respectful of each other particularly when beliefs and life choices as examples, conflict with our own. We will not tolerate intolerance and contracts, employment or tenancy could be put in jeopardy if actions and/or behaviours are not in keeping with our position.

    5.4 Listen and learn - understanding the 'lived' experience
    We need to be open to feedback, we need to listen and take on-board what customers and colleagues tell us about their experiences of interacting with us. This is particularly important when things have gone wrong, and the experience has been less than satisfactory.

    Each issue gives us an opportunity to put things right and make things better for next time and may indeed prevent someone else from having a bad experience in the future.

    5.5 Unique
    We are sure we have all been called special at some point in our lives and it’s true, each of us is unique and we want to support everything that makes our customers and colleagues distinctive. In 2010 the Equalities Act consolidated existing legislation to protect 9 different characteristics. Despite legislation being in place in the UK for many years, Thrive understands that may people in the UK living with one or more of these characteristics, continue to experience discrimination.

    Age Disability Gender Re-Assignment
    Marriage & Civil Partnership Pregnancy & Maternity Race
    Religion or Belief Gender Sexual Orientation

    We will do all we can to ensure the way we conduct our business does not directly or indirectly put anyone with one or more of these characteristics at a disadvantage. But more than that we want to embrace uniqueness giving us the opportunity to go beyond current legislation.

    It doesn’t matter to us what colour you dye your hair, if you’re tall or short, what school you did or didn’t go to, the clothes you wear or the music you enjoy, we just ask that we all conduct ourselves in a respectful way, that does not demean or promote the intolerance of others.

  6. Delivering against our Statement of Intent
    To deliver this Statement of Intent through two working groups, one focused on customers the other colleagues. Our internal working groups AllTogether @ Thrive will lead on the development and implementation of these policies, the development and management of actions plans and will challenge the business to think creatively, act responsibly and develop a positively curious culture within which we can all develop our knowledge and skills.

  7. Policy Approval
    As this policy is a core component of how Thrive manages its business the document will be evaluated by the Executive Management Team, Customer, Colleague and Governance Committee and Thrive Homes Board as part of any review.

  8.  Support and Further Guidance
    This policy has been drafted with input from staff across Thrive. If you have any concerns on how to interpret or follow its requirements, it’s your responsibility to make your concerns known to your manager or a member of the People Team. 

    Each Thrive team member has a responsibility to work in a way that’s consistent with the expectations set out in the documents and its implied intent. Should you witness or become aware of anyone consciously or unconsciously not following this policy you must alert your line manager or member of the leadership team as soon as is reasonably practical.