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Thrive Homes is a leading provider of social and affordable housing with strong ambitions for growth.

Our business is built around the importance of home as the foundation that enables individuals and families to build and sustain the lives they want.

Thrive owns and manages nearly 6,000 homes throughout the northern home counties. We deliver much-needed homes for social and affordable rent, intermediate rent, leasehold, shared ownership and private market rent.

We are focused on increasing housing availability and affordability in one of the most expensive parts of the UK.

G1/V2 rating

A+ (outlook stable) credit rating

Strong margins, VFM and liquidity


Experienced in all aspects of housing, we develop and manage our own schemes. We also work in partnership with a range of investment and development partners and manage homes on behalf of other organisations. Thrive has a strong track record in this area and we are actively exploring opportunities to add to our portfolio.

We are open to development opportunities comprising 20-200 homes. We are looking for:

  • package deals with developers
  • land led opportunities
  • S106 agreements
  • JV/partnership opportunities
  • investment funding structures
  • portfolio management opportunities.

It is crucial that we work with local authorities, developers and investors to build as many affordable homes as we can. Thrive already has an established development programme to build affordable homes, but by working in partnership with others we can build many more to give people the safe and secure home that they need.

Alix Green, Executive Director - Growth & Investment

Interested in partnership?

Please contact us using the form below.

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Dunstable Exterior 14

Want to live in a Thrive home?

We own and manage around 5,000 homes throughout Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire delivering much-needed homes for social and affordable rent, intermediate rent, shared ownership, leasehold and private market rent.

Find out more