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Tenant Satisfaction Measures

October - December 2023, including our Year to Date (YTD)* results.

About these results

These satisfaction measures relate to customers living in our low cost rented accommodation. If you're a shared owner, we'll publish our results annually due to the sample size we survey.

Thrive is a member of Vantage Customer First Club and our results are compared to approximately 20 other landlords that are part of this group.
*YTD (Year to Date) is the period of time from the first day of the financial year (April 1st 2023) up to the current date.



of customers are satisfied with the service provided by their landlord.

Compared to 76.8% for other landlords.

Year to Date = 71.2%


of customers are satisfied with the repairs service.

Compared to 75% for other landlords.

Year to Date = 71.8%


of customers are satisfied with the time taken to complete a repair.

Compared to 71% for other landlords.

Year to Date = 65.2%


of customers are satisfied that their landlord provides a home that is well maintained.

Compared to 77.3% for other landlords.

Year to Date = 70.3%


of customers are satisfied that their landlord provides a home that is safe.

Compared to 84.1% for other landlords.

Year to Date = 76.6%


of customers are satisfied that their landlord listens to their views and acts upon them.

Compared to 67.2% for other landlords.

Year to Date = 59.9%


of customers are satisfied that their landlord keeps them informed about things that matter to them.

Compared to 76.2% for other landlords.

Year to Date = 72.6%


of customers agree that their landlord treats them fairly and with respect.

Compared to 83.5% for other landlords.

Year to Date = 78.4%


of customers are satisfied with their landlords approach to complaints handling.

Compared to 37.9% for other landlords.

Year to Date = 35.4%


of customers are satisfied that their landlord keeps communal areas clean and well-maintained.

Compared to 64% for other landlords.

Year to Date = 60.6%


of customers are satisfied that their landlord makes a positive contribution to their neighbourhood.

Compared to 69.5% for other landlords.

Year to Date = 61.7%


of customers are satisfied with their landlords approach to handling anti-social behaviour.

Compared to 64.5% for other landlords.

Year to Date = 60%

What the results tell us 

What we did well

We are happy to report that: 

  • Compared to previous months, more customers are feeling that we treat them fairly and with respect. Thousands of customers have been updating their records with us so we know whether we need to adjust our services for those with needs. This could be why customers are feeling more positive about the way we treat them. More customers feel satisfied that their communal areas are clean and well maintained. In June 2023 we launched a new way to view their cleaning and grounds maintenance schedules online and give feedback on each visit. This has helped the team to make improvements to the service such as employing new cleaners at sites where more issues were happening. 

What we need to improve

We also identified some areas where we need to do better: 

Complaint handling

  • How we handle complaints is low and has dropped again the recent months. After taking a closer look into this, just 21 out of 119 customers surveyed between July – December had submitted a formal complaint to us. It could be that the other 98 customers are answering this question based on their experience when reporting service requests  (such as missed bin collections or neighbours causing anti-social behaviour). More information about what is considered a complaint can be found on our website here. Either way, it’s clear customers feel we could improve by acknowledging where we have failed and keeping them informed with updates on things we’ve promised to do.  

Listening & acting on your views

  • Linked with other feedback, it’s clear we need to better listen to customer’s views and act on them. This in turn will encourage customers to trust us more. One area is linked to customers feeling unsafe in their home because of broken communal door entry systems. We have since seen a small increase in customers feeling safe in their home since working with a new contractor who can see to issues quicker.  

We are always working to find solutions and you can read about the latest actions we are taking here.