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Summer safety tips

Advice to keep your home safe and secure this summer.

Fire safety

  • BBQ safety

    Satisfy your appetite safely:

    1. Use your barbeque in a well-ventilated outdoor space. Never use on balconies or bring indoors.
    2. Position your barbeque well away from fences, sheds, shrubs and garden waste.
    3. Keep a bucket of water or sand nearby for emergencies.
    4. Make sure your barbeque is fully extinguished when you’ve finished using it and the gas bottle is turned off and removed safely.
    5. Do not empty any ash or place disposable barbeques in the bin until they have cooled down completely.
  • Prevent fires on windowsills and balconies

    Remove glass or mirrored items from your windowsill or balcony as strong light reflections can sometimes start a fire.

    Ensure candles and cigarettes are never left alone and make sure they are fully put out before leaving them.


  • Fire safety in your garden and near countryside

    Creating a ‘safety zone’ between your property and the grass, trees, shrubs, or any surrounding wild area can help slow or stop the spread of fire. It works by creating a gap to stop your home catching fire from embers, direct flame contact or radiant heat.

    Tips to keep your garden and greenspace safe:

    • Create a safety zone by removing combustible materials such as wood piles, felled trees, and other debris around your home.
    • Keep grass mowed short (75mm or less).
    • Keep trees, shrubs, and vegetation clear of power lines, communication cables or equipment. If you are concerned, seek advice from your communications and/or power supplier.
    • Clear at least a three-metre space around any fuel tanks and make sure they are stored on non-combustible material such as gravel or concrete.
  • Charge items safely

    This applies all year round – never leave items on charge unattended and especially when asleep.

    Make sure extension leads aren't overloaded and that any charging cables or plugs are not covered by furniture or other items. 

  • Dispose of cigarettes correctly

    Make sure to discard of cigarettes correctly. Never throw cigarette ends out of windows or balconies.

  • Test your smoke alarms

    60 seconds a week could save your life. Test your smoke alarm regularly – if you discover a problem, visit our Repairs Guide for advice on how to resolve it. 

Going on holiday?

Other things to consider

  • Lock up before bed

    Make sure ground level windows are shut and secured overnight. If you're a tenant and you discover an issue, report it to us.


  • Simple safety checks

    Test your doors and windows to make sure they are in functioning order and that you'd be able to escape easily in the event of a fire. 

    You can find out how to check your fire door here: 

    Reading the latest safety advise could save your life: thrivehomes.org.uk/homesafety

  • Prepare for the winter months ahead

    Even in the warmer weather, it's good practice to check your heating system is in working order. Our engineers tend to be busier in the colder months, so be sure to flag any issues with us in good time so we can fix them ahead of the frost – all possible in our handy Repairs Guide

  • Keeping your home cool

    Check out our tips on keeping your home cool this summer:

    • draw curtains to keep the sun out
    • create a cross-breeze by opening windows either side of the house
    • have a cold shower before bed
    • place bowls of water around your house (it can cool the air!)
    • turn your hot water bottle into an ice pack by filling it with water and putting it in the freezer for a few hours
    • insulate your home! This is often thought of as a cold weather solution but can keep your home cool in hot weather too. Let us know if you think your home needs insulation by clicking here.