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Save energy in your home

We know the cost-of-living increases are a concern for many, so we’ve put together some advice to help you reduce your energy use in your home.

One of the main ways you can save energy in your home is by fine tuning the controls of your heating system. We've put together some guidance on how to do this and you can find out more by clicking here.

We've also outlined what we are doing to make sure we can improve the energy efficiency of our homes.

Scroll down to check out our tips and find out more!

  • Move furniture away from radiators

    Valuable heat is often absorbed by furniture. Moving furniture helps your heating system warm the room up quickly and efficiently.

  • Close the doors

    Trap the heat into the rooms you are using by shutting your internal doors and keeping window trickle vents open for ventilation.

  • Shut up shop

    Close your curtains when the sun sets to keep the heat in. Having thick thermal curtains/blinds will also help.

  • Tailor your heating system to suit you

    We've put together some guidance on how to programme your heating system to keep your home warm whilst using as little energy as possible.

    Find out more


  • Choose low-energy appliances

    When it’s time to replace or upgrade, always consider those that are labelled as energy star certified and opt for LED lightbulbs.

  • Maximise your income

    See if you’re eligible for any benefits or grants to help with your energy costs this winter at: simpleenergyadvice.org.uk/grants

    We sometimes work with organisations to provide money help and advice to our customers. 

    Find out more

Our top energy saving tips for your appliances

Use a microwave or slow cooker more often

Ovens use considerably more energy than these cooking methods.

Only put the amount of water you need in the kettle

Avoid using the tumble dryer where possible

Try drying clothes on the clothes line instead.

Fill the dishwasher correctly

Avoid using it more than once a day and try using the eco setting.

Try using a lid on a pot when cooking

This only uses a third of energy compared to no lid.

Use your washing machine at 30 degrees

Turn appliances off standby mode

This will save energy.

Avoid putting warm food in the freezer

This makes the freezer work harder. Allow food to cool first.

Spend one minute less in the shower

This could save you money off your household energy bill each year.

Try not to leave your mobile phone on charge all night

Most phones only need a couple of hours.

Turn lights off

Make sure lights are switched off in rooms you aren't using.

Use a bowl to wash up

Running the tap continuously wastes money.

What we're doing to improve the energy efficiency of our properties

Each year we spend around £4million upgrading our homes, and in 2022-2023, we allocated £1m to improving the energy efficiency of our properties. This includes installing cavity wall and loft insulation, modern double glazing and upgrading heating systems.

It doesn’t stop there. We’re working closely with partners such as E.ON and British Gas to carry out even more insulation upgrades on our behalf.

Work is underway preparing these programmes for the coming year. You can help us with our planning by sharing your gas and electric meter readings with us. We’re starting to ask all customers to share these with us to help us to assess which properties need to be prioritised for upgrades.

Help us understand the efficiency of your home by sharing your meter readings with us today