Have a say on the things that really matter to you
Get involved in a range of activities, including digital only options so that you can have a say at a time, place and pace that works for you. We will use your feedback to improve our services and consider changes.
Click below to find out more!
What's the purpose of Thrive Customer Voice?
To make sure your views are listened to, heard, and responded to.
How does it work?
In a nutshell:
- we use feedback from a range of sources to identify areas that need to be reviewed
- once we have identified an area to explore in more detail, we'll reach out to you with details of how you can be involved
- you choose what you want to get involved in and when.
And it doesn't stop there! All input received will be shared with our senior leadership team and Board to consider your ideas for action.
Keeping you informed is important, so as a member, you'll also receive exclusive news updates with how we are acting on your views.
- we use feedback from a range of sources to identify areas that need to be reviewed
Who can get involved?
All Thrive customers are welcome to become a member. Whether you’re a tenant, shared owner or leaseholder – come onboard!
Why should I become a member?
If you want to make a difference to the way your home is managed and the services you receive, then this is your chance to get involved.
By working together in this way, we can make a difference to your experience of being a Thrive customer and the services we provide. -
How much time do I need to give to being a member?
As little or as much as you like! There are lots of activities you can get involved in, and you choose when and what you want to take part in.
Will I be required to attend meetings?
No! Listening to your feedback, most customers prefer to complete surveys and polls over attending events because it’s more convenient to do this in your own time.
However, if you are someone that likes to attend meetings and focus groups, these types of activities will also be available to get involved in. -
What ways can I get involved online?
Whether you prefer using a smartphone, tablet, iPad or computer, some of the ways you can get involved include:
- completing polls and surveys
- attending an online focus group
- giving feedback on our website
- reading pieces of information and giving feedback.
What ways can I get involved if I’m not online?
We want to make you can get involved in a way that suits you, so if you’re not online there will be a chance to complete some activities by phone, post or in person.
To make sure you hear about the latest activities, call us on 0800 917 6077 to let us know your contact preferences.
What sorts of activities are on offer?
Lots! And you can choose what you want to take part in.
- Polls and surveys
- Online focus groups
- In-person events
- Telephone surveys
- Free training
- Joint estate inspections
- And much more!
What’s in it for me?
You can influence the way your home is managed and the services we provide. Depending on how much you want to get involved, there’s more you can get out of being a member too.
Not only is it an opportunity to meet other people, it’s also a good place to gain skills which could enhance your CV, LinkedIn profile or we may be able to provide a reference for employment.
From time to time, we may offer an incentive or entry into a prize draw as a way of saying thank you for taking part in an activity. To make sure you don’t miss out, let us know you are happy for us to share these prize draw and incentive opportunities with you:- Visit thrivehomes.org.uk or call us on 0800 917 6077
- Update your preferences and make sure the following option is ticked: ‘Additional opportunities and promotions (e.g. discounted services, prize draws and incentives)’
We promise to never share your contact details for third-party marketing purposes, and you can update your preferences at any time.
Full terms and conditions apply for prize draws and incentives, and you can find out more at: thrivehomes.org.uk/customer-voice-promos
How can I become a member?
Simply log onto the myThrive hub and select the ways you'd like to get involved by telling us what interests you.
If you or another Thrive customer would like to be a member and does not have access to online, you can simply call us on 0800 917 6077 and one of our colleagues will sign you up.
If you call us to become a member, we'll ask:- how you prefer to hear from us (email, text message, post)
- what you prefer to get involved in, such as:
- attending one off events
- attending workshops
- completing polls and surveys
- joining online talks and discussions
- piloting new systems
- renewing documents or processes
- hearing about discounted services and prize draws
- what interests you, such as:
- anti-social behaviour
- communal services
- customer service and experience
- digital services
- free advice and information
- free training opportunities
- housing options
- planned works to our properties
- leasehold and shared owner services
- property development
- repairs service
- the Thrive Deal.
Upcoming member activities
Fill in a survey to tell us if our information about home safety is useful and if you understand how we meet our standards. Helping us understand where we can improve and the best way to communicate with you about safety in your home.
There’s lots to get stuck into over the coming months, so we’ve listed some of the areas we’ll be looking at together with our valued members.
- Fill in a survey to help us review our domestic abuse policy, EDI statement of intent, wellbeing support and complaints policy.
- Join a workshop to help us review our complaint letter templates.
- Let us know how clear and accessible our tenant satisfaction measure information is in our survey.
- Help us develop clear information on our aids and adaptations process in our upcoming workshop.
- If you’re a shared owner or leaseholders, fill in our survey to tell us what’s important to you and what would you like to hear more about from us?
We want to make sure we’re reviewing the things that matter to you most and we’ll use your feedback to influence the areas for focus. Whether it’s good or bad news, we always want to hear from you and the easiest way to give feedback is at: thrivehomes.org.uk/give-feedback
Completed activities section
Find out about our findings and how we are listening and acting on your input.
2024 activities
Annual Report for Tenants
We gave members the opportunity to let us know what they think should be included in our Annual Report for Tenants. Thank you to the 216 customers who completed the survey.
Downsizing and Neighbourhood Management Policies
As part of our regular policy review schedule, we asked Thrive Customer Voice members for feedback on our current Downsizing and Neighbourhood Management Policies.
New contractors for Door Entry System installation
In September, customers got involved with interviewing and scoring contractors questions. They valued clear communication and appreciated contractors who were knowledgeable about the areas they were working in.
Helping to find our next Chief Executive
Ensuring your voices are heard and your involvement is a key part of our decision-making process, and we were delighted that Thrive Customer Voice members participated by sitting in on interviews and helping to score answers.
Members were sent a survey to identify what qualities were valued most for our next Chief Executive Officer.
Read on to find out your views.
The myThrive Hub Survey
As part of our annual report, we asked customers about their current experience with the myThrive hub.
Customers reported that the myThrive hub can sometimes be slow and some experience crashes, which is understandably frustrating.
Our repair timescales
Customers took part in online and in person sessions to help us shape our repairs service and the time it takes to get an appointment.
Read about the session and what we discussed
View our published repairs timescales here
Changes to our cleaning and grounds maintenance service
In June, customers gave feedback on our cleaning and grounds maintenance services as we get ready to renew the contracts. We found out what customers would like to see from the new contracts and how the service can improve moving forward.
2023 activities
What you want to hear about in our Annual Report for Customers (2023)
108 tenant members completed this year’s survey.
- 68% read the Annual Report last year
- 71.2% of readers felt the content was relevant to them
- 91.8% of readers said it was easy to read and understand
This year it’s very clear you are most interested in what we are doing to improve our homes and to make them more energy efficient.
Acting on your feedback...
How you've influenced our damp and mould process
It was great to get together with a small group of customers in July. We enjoyed tea, cake and had really useful conversations about the way we manage damp and mould in our homes.
To start the event, we shared our recently enhanced process for damp and mould cases.
Keeping a close eye
One of the main strengths of our process is making sure every single report or mention of damp and mould is recorded and monitored until both the customer and Thrive is satisfied that it is resolved. On the whole, customers felt this is an effective way of managing cases and we’ll be sharing details of the process on our website soon.
What, when and how?..
Influencing our anti-social behaviour (ASB) policy
All our policies are regularly reviewed to make sure they are fair and effective. On this occasion we asked members as well as non-members who have experienced ASB to give us some input before we get to work.
Here’s what they told us...
Your experience as a member
We want our members to feel like their input is making a difference. The results are in, and here’s what 136 members said.
- 49% feel their views are listened to (30% neither agreed or disagreed)
- 38% agree it’s easy to have a say (29% neither agreed or disagreed)
- 34% feel their views are acted on (26.5% neither agreed or disagreed)
- 38% trust that their input is taken seriously (28.7% neither agreed or disagreed)
Looking closer at these results, around 66% of members are satisfied with their experience as a member.
So we can understand where we may be able to improve, we will be contacting those who responded negatively to tell us more. If you have any insight you’d like to share, let us know at www.thrivehomes.org.uk/message-tcv or contact us in your usual way.
How we can bring your attention to important safety communications
The survey results are in and here's what customers said!
- The main reasons you do not feel safe in your home are because of anti-social behaviour issues, security concerns with communal entrance doors and outstanding repairs.
- You’d like more updates from us about what is happening in your area, how to stay safe when living alone, what support is available for vulnerable customers, gas and electrical safety, and how we manage anti-social behaviour and building security.
- You think we can improve by communicating better with you when you report repairs and anti-social behaviour issues to us, taking action against tenants who are causing problems and fixing doors.
- You do not trust us to do what we say we will do and this is a reason why you don’t always read our updates.
Acting on this feedback, we have:
- Planned a session to develop a ‘Good Neighbour Agreement’ with customers to help prevent some anti-social behaviour issues.
- Updated our website with a way to find wellbeing support near your area at thrivehomes.org.uk/wellbeing
- Contacted those who have said we have not resolved an issue that is causing them to feel unsafe to understand if there is more we need to do inline with our service standards.
We are also:
- Working with our colleagues to ensure we do what we say we’ll do.
- Keeping a close eye on repairs that may affect building security and working with contractors to make improvements to the service.
- Planning to share some stories to explain how Thrive has different powers to the police and local authority, and what action we can take against tenants causing anti-social behaviour.
The Good Neighbour Guide
Using feedback from our customers, we’ve developed the Good Neighbour Guide!
This information will be shared with customers and members to help prevent anti-social behaviour (ASB).
2022 activities
What you want to hear about in our Annual Report for Customers (2022)
What was the feedback?
Looking at everyone's collective input, members told us they are particularly interested in hearing about:- what improvements we have carried out to our homes (80.1%)
- customer satisfaction (62.7%%)
- how income is spent (60.2%%)
- how we act on feedback (57.2%)
- complaints performance (56.6%)
They also suggested new topics, and these included:
- how we make our homes more energy efficient
- anti-social behaviour (ASB).
69% of told us they are interested in hearing about how we compare to other social landlords.
How are we acting on your views?
The Annual Report is one of the ways you can find out how we're performing, so it should include things you're interested in.
We're pleased to share that we will be including all of the topics as listed above in the next report - including two new features on how we are making our homes more efficient and anti-social behaviour.
This is available our website now at: thrivehomes.org.uk/annualreport
8.7% of responses told us they weren't aware of the Annual Report, so we will be planning this into our regular communications including your next email newsletter in November. Make sure you're subscribed to receiving these at: thrivehomes.org.uk/updates
If you have an idea as to how we can better raise awareness of this report, leave us a comment at: thrivehomes.org.uk/give-feedback -
How we can better listen, act and respond to your input and make it easier for you to access our services and keep you informed
What was the feedback?
99 customers took part in the survey.
Looking at your survey responses collectively, the areas that customers are most satisfied are home ownership and moving home.
The areas with least satisfaction were:- Responsive repairs (33.3%)
- Complaint handling (30%)
- Estate management (19%)
To strengthen these findings, we have also looked at customer satisfaction data from April 2022 - November 2022. These results tell us that:
- 59% feel we do what we say we will
- 50% say we listen and act on their input
- 62%% agree our services are effective and efficient
- 62% trust Thrive
- 65% find us easy to deal with.
To strengthen these findings, we have also looked at customer satisfaction data from April 2022 - November 2022. These results tell us that:
- 59% feel we do what we say we will
- 50% say we listen and act on their input
- 62%% agree our services are effective and efficient
- 62% trust Thrive
- 65% find us easy to deal with.
How are we acting on your views?
The areas listed above are now our key focuses.
In January 2023 we will be holding a series of workshops with Thrive colleagues (including senior members) to identify what is required to improve each of these areas. This could involve further workshops with customers or other activities to shape the way forward.
Once we have identified the needs, we will share our plans with you and how you can get involved.To make sure changes are making a difference, we will continue to closely monitor our satisfaction feedback and use this to understand what is having a positive impact and where we may still need to improve.
Your chance to ask questions and learn about safety in and around your building
What was the feedback?
Looking at your survey responses collectively:- 63.3% said that information they receive about building safety is clear
- 34.7% told us they have received safety communications from Thrive within the last year
- 91.8% knew what to do if a fire breaks out inside their flat and 46.9% knew to stay inside their flat if a fire is elsewhere in their building
- 57.1% know how to check their fire door is in working order
- 59.2% feel safe in their home.
We also learned that some repairs are taking longer than expected when we are unable to contact customers.
During the session, it was highlighted that customers may not be aware of the assistance available to access content on our website when English isn't their first language.How are we acting on your views?
Keeping you informed about the latest safety advice is important
That's why we send out at least four email newsletters and two postal newsletters every year containing updates on building safety.
One of your suggestions is to use more animation and video content to promote safety messaging. We are pleased to share we are acting on this by planning the production of a short video about the ways we can keep your building safe together.
As part of this, we hope to raise awareness of:- what to do in the event of a fire
- how to check your fire door is in working order.
Watch out for this in the coming months!
Whilst this may make content more engaging, we are still concerned that only 34.7% have received safety information in the last year, so we will be working with Thrive Customer Voice members to understand this further.Being able to easily access our services is part of our offer to you
That's why we have invested in assistive technology on our website so you can translate, enlarge and convert content to audio depending on your individual needs.
We also have access to a translation service during phone calls and home visits.
Recognising some customers aren't aware of this service, we'll be reminding customers about this in our upcoming communications.
Simply access this tool by clicking the icon as shown below on our website.Doing what we say we will
This event highlighted there are times where reported repairs are taking longer than expected when we cannot get hold of the customer.
It's important we don't lose sight of these repairs, so we will be reviewing our internal processes and making sure that we are monitoring the progress of all works including those outsourced to contractors.You should be able to be safe and feel safe in your home
Where you've told us you're experiencing anti-social behaviour in your building, a member of our team will be in touch directly.
We are committed to working with you to manage and minimise ASB where we can and you can find out more about this at: thrivehomes.org.uk/asbAnswering your questions
Responding to your input, we've summarised all questions asked before and during the event and our answers.