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Influencing our anti-social behaviour (ASB) policy

All our policies are regularly reviewed to make sure they are fair and effective. On this occasion we asked members as well as non-members who have experienced ASB to give us some input before we get to work.

Here’s what they told us:


customers got involved


feel the policy clearly sets out when and how Thrive can step in to address ASB


feel it’s clear how Thrive supports victims of ASB


agree the policy sets out reasonable timescales


say the policy is easy to understand


said yes to Thrive introducing a ‘Good Neighbour Agreement’

These results show that most of our customers feel our existing policy works well.

Around 20% of those who took part felt we could improve the policy. So, we’ve looked at some of the ways they said we could do this…

“Look at the wording of the policy”

We’ll be reviewing the language used in the policy to make sure it is in plain simple English. We’ll also review terms used to make sure the policy is addressing groups such as domestic abuse survivors fairly.

“Provide more updates on open ASB cases”

Listening to other feedback we have received from customers; we know this is an area for improvement. Already the team is introducing new ways of recording case updates to make sure customers are kept informed regularly and that we are clear with customers about when they can expect to hear from us.

Those who have had an ASB case are asked to share their experience of how we handled it, so we’ll be keeping a close eye on these results to monitor improvement.

“Have a colleague dedicated to dealing with ASB and domestic violence cases”

Our Customer Relations  team is your central point of contact for any ASB cases in your home. They have a strong network of specialist agencies and contacts who they work with to support customers.

This is especially important, as the police and local authority have different  powers than Thrive. In the coming months, we’ll be sharing some stories to explain why this is and we’ll let you know when they are available.

Introducing a Good Neighbour Agreement

Acting on your input, we will be introducing a ‘Good Neighbour Agreement’. We’ll need some help to make sure this is fair, so we’ll be reaching out with an invite to those who said they’d be interested in joining an online focus group in the autumn.

If you’d like to get involved, send us a message or email getinvolved@thrivehomes.org.uk!