Read about how we’ve been listening and acting on your input.
Listening and acting on your input
What’s in the Annual Report for Tenants?
See how we're planning to include topics that you said interests you.
Downsizing and Neighbourhood Management feedback
A review of our policies
New door entry system contractors
Find out how customers got involved with interviewing potential door entry system contractors
Helping to find our next Chief Executive
Find out what Thrive Customer Voice Members thought was important in our next Chief Executive.
Your feedback on myThrive Hub
See what you told us about your experience using the myThrive hub
Members feedback on our repairs timescales
Customers took part in online and in-person sessions to help us shape our repairs service and the time it takes to get an appointment.
Helping us shape our cleaning and grounds maintenance service
In June, Thrive Customer Voice members reviewed our cleaning and grounds maintenance to shape the future of the service.
What’s going to be in the Annual Report for Tenants?
We gave members the opportunity to let us know what they think should be included in our Annual Report for Tenants. Thank you to the 216 customers who completed the survey.
What was the feedback?
Looking at everyone's collective input, you told us you are particularly interested in hearing about:
You also suggested other topics, and these included:
- Grounds maintenance and charge justification (33%)
- Home improvements like kitchen and bathroom replacements (16%)
- ASB case management (11%)
How are we acting on your feedback?
The Annual Report is one of the ways you can find out how we're performing, so it should include things you're interested in.
We're pleased to let you know that we have included all of the topics as listed above in the report.
If you want to make sure you don’t miss out on the next one, you can subscribe here:
Downsizing policy
As part of our regular policy review schedule, we asked Thrive Customer Voice members for feedback on our current downsizing policy.
We found:
Although 48.8% of respondents were aware of the policy, 51.1% were not aware of the policy or where to find it. We want customers to be aware of all moving options available to them, so we plan to raise awareness of this policy by communicating about it more going forward.
We were also given valuable insight into the reasons people may not be able to or want to downsize, such as needing extra space for caring needs or disabilities, and the prospect of people not wanting to leave a home they’ve spent many years in. This is understandable and we hope that our policy helps people make an informed decision when and if the time is right for them.
We’re working on finalising the policy with your feedback, keep an eye on this page for the updated version.
Neighbourhood Management Policy
You told us that areas the policy should focus on were:
Additional feedback highlighted the need for tidier areas, concerns about fly-tipping and bin charges, pet issues, security in flat blocks, and more frequent inspections. We also had comments about allowing multiple pets in properties, dog fouling and barking plus concerns about security.
Majority of respondents were not aware of the policy (85%)
85% thought the policy was easy to understand and 77% thought it covered what they would expect in the policy.
How we’re acting on your feedback:
It’s clear that most respondents were not aware of this policy so we’re looking at ways to better advertise this in our communication with you.
Using your feedback, we’ve included all the areas you would expect to see in the policy and added additional information on neighbour disputes, pests and vermin, CCTV, electric vehicle charging, and tree maintenance.
We’re working on finalising the policy at the moment whilst taking your feedback on board, keep any eye on this page for the updates.
If you’re interested in other ways of making a real difference in your community, consider becoming a block representative. You'll be invited to join our teams on inspections, help monitor our cleaning and grounds maintenance meet standards and report any issues to us directly. Contact us at or call 0800 917 6077 for more information.
Our Estates team is working hard to complete more inspections of blocks to ensure they are clean, safe and well maintained in line with our Communal Standards. It is our priority to keep our customers safe and when belongings are left in communal areas it becomes a hazard. As part of our increased efforts to tackle this we issue Torts notices which can lead to items being removed when left in communal areas.
You can read more about Torts notices here and let us know if there is anything we need to deal with via the usual channels.
New contractors for Door Entry System installation
In September, customers got involved with interviewing and scoring contractors questions. They valued clear communication and appreciated contractors who were knowledgeable about the areas they were working in. Customers also liked the contractors' clear and precise guidelines, as well as their cost-effective methods for sourcing materials.
We're excited to announce that Energ.B will be handling the new Door Entry system installation. This partnership is expected to help reduce maintenance costs and enhance security for everyone. As for the Window installation, we are pleased to announce the contract has been awarded to Anglian windows.
Helping to find our next Chief Executive
Ensuring your voices are heard and your involvement is a key part of our decision-making process, and we were delighted that Thrive Customer Voice members participated by sitting in on interviews and helping to score answers. Members were sent a survey to identify what qualities were valued most for our next Chief Executive Officer. Read on to find out your views.
What do you see as the role of the CEO for Thrive?
Customers believe that the role of the CEO is to have compassion for customers and listen to their views. They believe it’s important for the CEO to have knowledge of what’s happening on the ground so they can make effective decisions and positive changes.There were also comments about making good financial decisions and keeping costs down.
“To manage not only a financially viable business but one that is outstanding in its customer service.”
What qualities/attributes would you like to see in the next CEO of Thrive?
The analysis showed that empathy and listening to customers was most important here, along with being a good communicator and having integrity. Customers want a CEO who understands and listens to the voice of the customer. Someone who is present and empathetic towards their needs and views.
What makes an outstanding CEO stand out from a good one?
Leadership, problem solving, and customer focused stood out here
Customers feel that an outstanding CEO is someone who acts to solve problems, listen to the voice of the customer and a leader who brings colleagues together to succeed.
“An outstanding CEO brings everyone with them to deliver their shared vision, so that everyone feels they have contributed to success.”
Where do you see the next CEO of Thrive adding the most value to customer?
Customers think the CEO can add the most value in listening to customers and keeping costs affordable. Their main comments related to improving their living conditions, in particular the repairs service timescales and contractors.
What behaviours and characteristics do you want to see in our new CEO?
The words “Approachable”, “good listener”, and “compassionate” were frequently used here. We saw that customers believe our new CEO should be honest and communicate well with customers and colleagues alike.
We listened to what you value and in December we announced that Paul Richmond, with his vast experience, will join us as CEO in April 2025.
Many customers did however report that they felt it was easy to use and has a lot of information in one place. Other feedback included the suggestion of being able to write notes on repair reports to explain the issue in further detail and for customers to be able to book more repairs through the portal, and for information on who to contact for specific issues such as fly tipping or car parking. We know this would be helpful to our customers and we’re pleased to let you know that we’re working on a new portal so you can easily and effectively manage your account online.
We're excited to announce that we're using your valuable feedback to enhance and re-develop a more robust portal for you. Stay tuned for exclusive sneak peeks and opportunities to experience the new system first hand.