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Home Standard

Expectations around the condition of your home before and after you move in.

Our offer to you: a safe, affordable, well-maintained quality home.

Thrive is proud to offer customers a home that is safe and secure from the moment they move in. We undertake improvement works and regular compliance checks to ensure the building is maintained to a good and safe standard.

All our properties let since April 2018 meet our Home Standard. The condition of each home is recorded at the start of the tenancy in an inventory (with photographic evidence). This covers the structural condition, safety inspections completed, state of fixtures and fittings, decorative standards, cleanliness and any obvious existing damage or wear and tear. Customers have seven days to report any errors in the inventory to us.

What we ask of you: keep your home in the same condition as when you moved in.

We ask customers to comply with their responsibilities as set out below and allow Thrive access to carry out safety inspections and Home Plan visits.

If looked after, homes should only need minor repairs. Improvement work and safety inspections will take care of the rest.

We will carry out a Home Plan visit once a year to confirm who is living in the property, assess its condition and check for compliance with your tenancy agreement. It’s an opportunity for you or us to highlight any issues that need to be fixed and to get an up-to-date record of the property’s condition.

Please note that damage to the property or garden will be charged to you if it is:

• wilful or careless
• caused by interference or misuse
• not as a result of normal wear and tear.

The home should be let to the standards set out below:

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Safety inspection has been carried out.
    Supply ready for connection.
    Pre-payment meter is debt free (and key supplied).
    Meter boxes covered with a protective door.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Yearly safety inspection.

  • Your responsibility

    Allow access.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Safety inspection has been carried out.
    Supply ready for connection.
    Pre-payment meter is debt-free (and key supplied).
    Meter boxes are covered with a protective door.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Regular checks in line our Landlord’s Compliance Policy.

  • Your responsibility

    Allow access.

    Appliances -If Thrive is called out to no electricity caused by tripping appliances, the call out is chargeable.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Water hygiene test has been carried out.

    Cold water storage tank has an appropriate cover.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Carry out a water risk assessment where applicable.

  • Your responsibility

    Descale shower heads and taps and run them once a week.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Appropriate building insurance is provided as part of your rent.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Buildings insurance only.

  • Your responsibility

    You are responsible for insuring your contents (your valuables and belongings) and replacing any
    damaged items. 

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Inspected at the start of the tenancy.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Regular inspections of communal fire doors.

  • Your responsibility

    To keep communal doors closed and report any damage or issues with the fire door to us immediately. 

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Home is fitted with a mains powered smoke alarm.

    Carbon monoxide detector fitted when gas supply is present.


  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Annual test by Thrive as part of the gas service.

  • Your responsibility

    Weekly checks to smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detectors and report any issues. Do not interfere with the alarm.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Managed in line with current asbestos regulations.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Managed in line with our Asbestos Management Plan.

  • Your responsibility

    Follow guidance on asbestos and report if decorating.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Water resistant floor covering in safe condition.

    Toilet securely fixed, clean and fitted with new seat and lid.

    All taps in working order.

    Baths and wash hand basins have tiled splash backs with a sealed joint to the wall.

    Shower has a new curtain (where fitted).

    No electrical sockets provided.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    We will respond in accordance with our online repairs reporting tool.

  • Your responsibility

    Maintain and replace toilet seats, bath panel and shower curtains.

    Only flush regular toilet paper down the toilet. Nappies, wipes and other sanitary products to be disposed of appropriately.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    The property is clear of rubbish (including loft and shed) and dust free.

    No sign of damp or infestation.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Communal areas are cleaned by Thrive’s contractors.

  • Your responsibility

    Keep the home clean, tidy and dispose of rubbish properly.

    Treat any pests.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    In a sound condition and ready to decorate.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    We will respond in accordance with our online repairs reporting tool.

  • Your responsibility

    Keep in good decorative order.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Doors and frames free from rot and decay, open and close and glazing intact.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    We will respond in accordance with our online repairs reporting tool.

    If you live in a flat, there are some additional checks we will carry out.

    For buildings five storeys or higher: we will inspect your front entrance door (FED) every year and communal doors every three months to ensure they are providing the required level of resistance to fire.

  • Your responsibility

    Costs for replacing missing ironmongery and broken glazing will be charged (except for victims of crime where a crime reference number can be provided).

    Never remove or replace fire doors or windows.

    If your door has a closer installed, please ensure it is never removed or unlatched.

    Ring doorbells or other accessories (such as Christmas wreaths) should not be installed to your flat entrance door or frame as it could affect its ability to work effectively in the event of a fire.

    Keep in good decorative order if not pre-finished.

    If you live in a building that is above five storeys in height, you will need to give us access to inspect your front entrance door (FED) as explained.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Suitable light fittings are provided.
    Sockets work and are undamaged.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Repairs identified as part of the electrical safety inspection.

  • Your responsibility

    Do not change or overload electrical sockets or light fittings.

  • Thrive’s offer at start of tenancy

    In our buildings that are over seven storeys in height, we will fit fire safety equipment such as sprinklers or water misting systems.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Maintain the safety equipment, servicing it in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

  • Your responsibility

    Ensure items are not placed in front of any safety equipment and do not tamper with it, as this could hinder it from working effectively in the event of a fire.

    Tell us when something has gone wrong with a safety feature e.g., the fire door does not close fully.

    Test your heat and smoke alarms on a weekly basis and tell us straight away if they do not work.
    Make a simple fire action plan so everyone in your home knows the safest route out in the event of a fire.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Safe, complete, level and free from trip hazards.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Repair or replace worn kitchen and bathroom flooring as a result of fair wear and tear.

  • Your responsibility

    Repair or replace carpets or any flooring for which you have signed a disclaimer or which were gifted to you.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Water-resistant floor covering which is in a safe condition.

    Kitchen fittings such as cupboards are in reasonable condition, safe and have
    been cleaned (although they may not be matching).

    Taps are in working order.

    Sinks have tiled splashbacks with a sealed joint to the wall.

    Direct mains cold water and hot water supplied to the kitchen sink.

    Kitchens in flats have 30-minute fire resistant doors, houses have standard doors. In flats with open plan living areas, the fire door is the living room door.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    We will respond in accordance with our online repairs reporting tool.

  • Your responsibility

    Keep clean and report repairs.

    Take care not to overload wall units and drawers.

    Keep all fire doors in place and in good condition. You will be charged if fire doors are removed.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Clear of items, insulated and locked for Thrive access only. This area does not form part of the tenancy.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Thrive only have access.

  • Your Home

    Not to access the loft.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Wooden doors have a cylinder lock and five lever mortice lock.

    PVC front doors have a cylinder lock.

    Three door keys provided.

    Side and rear doors fitted with a deadlock and barrel bolt.

    Window restrictors are fitted to all windows above ground floor.

    Intercoms will work (where fitted).

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    We will respond in accordance with our online repairs reporting tool.

  • Your responsibility

    Replace lost keys at your own expense.

    If locked out it is your responsibility to arrange and pay a locksmith to gain entry.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy


  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    We will respond in accordance with our online repairs reporting tool.

  • Your responsibility

    Keep in good decorative order.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Stairs and banisters are safe and secure including handrail.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    We will respond in accordance with our online repairs reporting tool.

  • Your responsibility

    If the handrail or spindles are missing the replacement is your responsibility.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    In a sound condition.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Maintain the structure.

  • Your responsibility

    Customers should not make alterations or structural changes to their homes.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    In a sound condition and ready to decorate.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    We will respond in accordance with our online repairs reporting tool.

  • Your responsibility

    Keep in good decorative order.

    Any holes made by hanging pictures etc should be put right by you at the end of the tenancy.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    An appropriate form of heating.

    Insulated loft and cold water supply pipes within roof space or external stores are lagged.

    Property is weather tight with no apparent signs of defects or damage.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    We will respond in accordance with our online repairs reporting tool.

  • Your responsibility

    You must advise Thrive if going away for more than 28 days.

    Provide keyholder contact details in case of an emergency.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Frames are free from rot and decay, open and close correctly and glazing intact.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    We will respond in accordance with our online repairs reporting tool.

  • Your responsibility

    Keep clean. Costs for replacing missing ironmongery and broken glazing will be charged (except for victims of crime where a crime reference number can be provided).

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Defined with a 1.8 metre panel for the first three metres and then a post and wire fence (if no other fence exists).

    Any walls, fences and gates are safe.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Thrive will define the boundary on letting only, unless it is communal or next to a public alleyway or access route.

  • Your responsibility

    You are responsible for hedges, fencing and gates to the perimeter of the property (front or rear) and should maintain or repair any damage.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Homes with private gardens are clear, trees are safe and hedges are cut back to a manageable level.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Thrive is not responsible for ongoing maintenance of private gardens.

    Communal gardens are maintained by Thrive’s contractors. This is paid for through a service charge.

  • Your responsibility

    Keep your private garden clear, cut the grass regularly, ensure that trees are safe and maintained, cut back hedges to your property and manage pests.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Paths, paving and steps are safe.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Maintain path to front door and rear path up to one metre from back door, and communal paths.

  • Your responsibility

    Keep safe, clean and tidy.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    If present, patios are gifted to a customer in a safe condition.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Keep free from trip hazards for an initial period of 12 months from the start of the tenancy.

  • Your responsibility

    Keep safe, clean and tidy.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Pest free.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    Pests within communal areas will be controlled by Thrive.

  • Your responsibility

    Pest control within the home and garden.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Safe and secure and clear of moss and debris.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    If original to the property we will with our online repairs reporting tool.

  • Your responsibility

    Keep in good decorative order and remove moss from roof.

  • Thrive's offer at the start of tenancy

    Outbuildings and sheds are safe and clear of rubbish.

  • Thrive's offer after property has been let

    We will respond in accordance with our online repairs reporting tool if financially viable or remove.

  • Your responsibility

    Ensure outbuildings and sheds are kept well maintained, clear of rubbish and secure.

    Maintenance of any lock is the customer’s responsibility.

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