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Installing CCTV (including video doorbells)

To make sure you are able to live comfortably in and around your home, we ask all customers to seek our permission before installing CCTV, including the use of video doorbells (e.g. Ring).  

  • What conditions need to be met to install CCTV?

    There have been incidents where installation of CCTV has caused upset where a neighbour is not happy being recorded and feel that their privacy is being invaded. To avoid this being the case, we’ve set out the requirements we ask customers to meet before applying for permission: 

    • the camera does not capture images beyond your home’s boundary or communal areas 
    • you accept responsibility to make good any damage caused to the building as a result of fitting the cameras 
    • suitable signage is installed 
    • you agree to allow Thrive Homes access to the CCTV recorded footage when required 
    • you agree to notify us once the CCTV has been installed and allow an inspection to take place so we can make sure the system has been fitted in line with the conditions above 
    • you comply with guidance set out by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) - www.ico.org.uk  

    General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 applies if you record anything other than your own home, and you will need to ensure your use of CCTV complies with these laws.  

    In some circumstances we may suggest considering other solutions such as security lights and neighbourhood watch schemes before installing CCTV. Otherwise, we don’t usually refuse permission if the above is met. 

  • How can I apply for permission to install CCTV?

    Before seeking permission to install CCTV, we always ask you to consider: 

    • Is CCTV necessary? 
    • Would the CCTV protect your neighbour’s privacy and does not overlook any gardens, footpaths, properties or public spaces such as parks and play areas? 

    If the answer is yes, please fill in a form at the bottom of this page and request permission. As part of your application, we’ll need you tell us: 

    • Will the image of the proposed CCTV equipment be able to identify an individual? 
    • Will the camera be fixed or have the ability to rotate?
    • Will the CCTV system record audio? 

    If we grant permission, we suggest speaking to neighbours to make sure they are comfortable before carrying out the installation.  

  • Can I change or move the CCTV after installation?

    Please let us know if you wish to move your CCTV. This usually won’t be a problem, providing the new position meets the criteria as outlined above. 

    If the position of the CCTV is changed after seeking permission, or it is clearly focused on a neighbour’s home or property, we may  consider this a behaviour capable of causing a nuisance or annoyance which is a breach of your tenancy agreement or lease.  

Application to install CCTV

E.g. above front door/back door, at the side of property etc