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Guide to Becoming a Customer

We aim to make the process of applying for and securing a Thrive home as fair, clear and straightforward as possible. We aim to provide this service digitally and will be flexible with customers who don’t have access to digital means.

Before we can offer you a tenancy, you’ll need to provide us with some important information and give us permission to make background checks. This guide explains how to do that.

  • Step 1

    We will contact you if you have been shortlisted.

    Once you have applied for a home, if you have been shortlisted by the Local Authority, we will telephone and email you to let you know that you have been shortlisted. We will ask you to:

    • provide us with information we need to verify your application
    • ensure you understand the terms and conditions of your tenancy
    • keep in contact with us and receive updates from us by email and text
    • read the information that we send you about maintaining a home and tenancy.
  • Step 2

    Provide information to verify your application.

    You then need to provide the following information via email before we can make you a Provisional Offer of Tenancy:

    • proof of your identity and the identity of those who will be living at the property
    • proof that you can afford to pay the rent and service charges for the home and that you can afford to live in the home (your last three bank statements and if you are working, your last three wage slips as a minimum)
    • proof of income and outgoings by completing a financial statement
    • confirmation that you can pay four weeks' rent in advance
    • evidence that you have an account that supports direct debit and will enable you to pay your rent on any day of the month that suits you
    • confirmation that you have read and understood the terms and conditions of being a Thrive tenant.

    If for any reason you are unable to supply the above information, please let us know so we can talk to you about it. If you don’t speak to us or supply the information you will not be considered further for the property.

    You must not provide false information. Thrive relies on the information in your application for housing to the Local Authority to assess your application for a Thrive tenancy. We will press for the prosecution of any applicant who commits an offence under Section 171 of the Housing Act 1996, as set out below, and will seek possession of any tenancy granted as a result of a false statement by the tenant, or anyone acting at the tenants’ instigation or with their knowledge.

    Housing Act 1996: Section 171 – False statements and withholding information

    A person commits an offence if, in connection with the exercise by a local housing authority of their functions:

    • they knowingly or recklessly make a statement which is false in a material particular, or
    • they knowingly withhold information which the authority has reasonably required them to give in connection with the exercise of those functions.
  • Step 3

    Tell us about any additional needs.

    The home you are being offered is based on the needs you stated in your housing application. If you think you have additional needs, you must tell us at this point as we might not be able to meet them.

    In some instances, we may be able to let you choose whether you would like floor coverings, carpets, or white goods installed by the previous tenant to be left for you. However, any floor covering, carpet or appliance that you accept when moving into your home is your responsibility to maintain and you will be expected to sign a ‘gifting agreement’ acknowledging this.

  • Step 4

    Give us permission to check your information.

    We will undertake a range of checks to verify the information on your application, ensure you can afford the rent and service charges, check your credit history, and background tenancy checks which will be carried out through external consultation with the police, probation service etc. So that we can do this, you will need to give permission by email for us to undertake a credit check.

  • Step 5

    Receive your offer of tenancy.

    We will make you an offer of tenancy once we have completed the affordability, credit and background checks outlined above.

    When we have verified the information we have requested from you, we will email you a Provisional Offer of Tenancy. This will inform you of:

    • the details of the property
    • the type of tenancy and conditions attached
    • the rent and service charges payable
    • the proposed viewing date
    • the anticipated start date of the tenancy (this may be any day of the working week).

    If we are unable to verify the information you have sent us - unless a good reason is provided - your application will not be taken further.

  • Step 6

    Viewing the property.

    We will agree a convenient time with you to view the property. It is your responsibility to keep the viewing appointment – if you do not, your application will not be progressed.

    If you are the successful applicant, you will be emailed confirmation of a Full Offer of Tenancy.

  • Step 7

    Complete your induction

    You will be asked to read the Terms and Conditions of the Tenancy Agreement you will sign when you receive the keys to your new home, and confirm that you understand the rights, obligations and responsibilities of becoming a Thrive tenant.

    Before you receive the keys to your new home, you must also read the information we have emailed you. This will make sure you are ready to move in and understand your responsibilities as a Thrive Homes tenant, including:

    • providing proof that you have paid four weeks' rent by uploading evidence to the portal
    • showing you understand the terms and conditions of your tenancy agreement (prior to signing it at the handover of the keys)
    • showing you understand how to manage your home and provide information on keeping safe in and around your home, such as checking heat and smoke alarms weekly.

    We strongly recommend that you take out home contents insurance.

    You will need to confirm that you have read the information within one working day of receipt. We will then confirm the date we will hand over the keys to your new home. If we don’t hear from you, we will withdraw the offer.

  • Step 8

    Handover of keys

    We will meet you at your new home to hand over the keys. At this appointment, we will:

    • walk you around your new home and show you how things work
    • complete and sign a check-in inventory (See Your Home Inventory Factsheet )
    • sign you up to myThrive portal to enable you to book repairs from your mobile device
    • answer any further questions you have prior to signing your tenancy agreement.

    We will then ask you to sign a digital tenancy agreement and benefits change disclaimer.

    Once you are a Thrive tenant

    We will visit you 4-8 weeks after you move in. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions and flag anything that’s outstanding to support you with your home and tenancy.

    From here, we will stay in touch with you through your annual Home Plan visit and yearly gas safety check.

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