We are currently experiencing a high level of calls

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Withholding services

Withholding services

  • Definition of a breach

    A tenant will be in breach of their tenancy if they fail to comply with items laid out in their agreement. A breach within the last 12 weeks includes, but is not limited to the following actions.

    • Any rent or charge arrears in the last 12 weeks OR credit of less than four full weeks rent in advance for digital tenants, where Thrive Homes is not engaged in supporting the customer.
    • A digital tenant not paying by direct debit (unless an exception has been agreed by Thrive).
    • A digital tenant failing to use digital methods to contact Thrive, unless an exception has been previously agreed; for example, requesting rent balances.
    • An anti-social behaviour complaint is being upheld and a warning has been issued.
    • Preventing access for services (for example, not allowing access for a gas safety check) not responding to our communications or if you have refused access once or more in a 12-week period.
    • Not adhering to the Health and Safety requirements of communal areas, for example storing items in communal areas.
    • Persistent damage to the property over a 12-month period in accordance with the Thrive Deal, for example:
      • gardens not maintained, with two or more letters or emails received about the condition
      • Home Plan failure - no improvement in the condition since the last Home Plan visit where the repairs are the tenant’s responsibility
      • disregard for the cleanliness of property
      • careless damage.


    Once breach triggers are reached, customers need to return their conduct in line with their tenancy and then remain in line for six months before services are restored.

  • Restricted services

    The following services may be restricted when a customer is found in breach of their tenancy:

    • Internal transfers, transferring to another Thrive property through the Housing Register or mutual exchange.
      Exceptions: where a property is under occupied or if a move will improve suitability (i.e., adaptation) and result in a more sustainable tenancy.
    • Permissions
      • to keep pets (unless required on medical grounds)
      • to have a lodger
      • to run a business from home
      • to install a satellite dish.

      Exceptions: Permissions will be granted irrespective of tenancy breaches where the permission will remedy another tenancy breach; for example, a request for a lodger in a spare bedroom would be considered when a tenant is in arrears, as this will help payment.

    • Tenancy changes; for example, changing from joint tenancy to sole. Exception: where a court order requires the change and when it’s in Thrive’s interest to allow this i.e., there is a relationship breakdown, and the account is in credit.
    • Property assignment. Exception: where the assignment of a property is required by court order.
    • Major works, kitchen and bathroom renewals will not be carried out until a tenancy breach is rectified. Please note, this is not a refusal to carry out repairs.
    • Restricted communication, customers who are deemed abusive and threatening will be restricted to written or email communication or an independent third-party representative will be required.
    • Prize draw terms and conditions exclude customers who are in breach of their tenancy agreements.
  • Services not liable for restriction

    The following services may not be restricted when a customer is found in breach of their tenancy:

    • aids and adaptations
    • major works - except for kitchen and bathroom renewals.

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