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I’ve moved five times in the last five years, and it is nice to know that I can now be settled

Chris, who is self-employed and works in the arts sector, had previously moved five times in as many years whilst living in rental properties, before finding the perfect Shared Ownership property for him. 

It was important to Chris that he remained in the local area but finding a suitable property at a price he could afford proved difficult. 

After exploring his options, he came across one of Thrive Homes’ Shared Ownership properties which offered everything he could have wanted and at a price he could afford. 

It was important for me to stay in the local area as this is where I work, and I have lots of friends here. I have been saving for a long time, but the private housing market is extremely expensive and getting a house anywhere near London is really difficult. Shared Ownership seemed like a really good option for me.

Chris - Thrive Customer

Beginning your search  

Initially Shared Ownership was something Chris was not overly familiar with, but after doing some research he realised that the scheme would work really well for him.  

“It’s a really good scheme and I think it can really help give people independence and an opportunity to live somewhere that they want to and build a home for themselves.” 

Chris’s advice for anyone who was interested in buying a Shared Ownership property is for people to do their research and begin to “look in the areas where they want to live, there is no harm in looking.” 

Finding the perfect property for you  

After deciding that Shared Ownership was something Chris wanted to pursue, he began searching online before finding a property that he liked. After a means test, Chris went to view the property and was then keen to secure it, “the property had everything I really liked and is close to a station for work.” 

“The process was pretty good, I think this was one of the first properties which wasn’t a new build, this came with a couple little bumps in the road, but it was actually a really quick and smooth process.” 

Now that Chris is living in his Shared Ownership property, he’s very happy and is in no rush to move on. Eventually Chris hopes to one day to fully own his property which is something that wouldn’t have been an option for Chris without the option of Shared Ownership.  

It’s a nice flat, it has a garden and close to work – I don’t see myself needing to expand. This is good for me and I will work towards staircasing. I would not be able to buy a property of its size without pursuing shared ownership.

Chris - Thrive Customer

Investing in your future  

After spending many years in the private rental sector, moving from property to property and feeling a loss of control over his long-term plans, Chris is now relieved to have found a property he can settle into and remain put for the foreseeable future.  

“I’ve moved five times in the last five years, and it is nice to know that I can now be settled, and that’s worth a lot.” 

“There are some limitations as you don’t get all the freedom you get if you own a property. But it’s a great scheme. I would definitely recommend Shared Ownership to other people – it is still an expensive option but the difference is you’re investing in some of this for yourself, unlike with rental properties.” 

If you would like to find out more about Thrive’s Shared Ownership properties, please visit https://www.thrivehomes.org.uk/find-a-home/shared-ownership/