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Thrive Customer Voice launches its first activity



Thrive Customer Voice reflects on the success of its first activity

July saw the launch of Thrive Customer Voice, a new and improved way for Thrive Homes’ customers to make sure their views are listened to, heard, and responded to.

An important consideration of the new model has been to provide an approach where customers can give as much or as little time as they like. Whether customers prefer to complete a short poll, undertake a survey, or attend a focus group - there are lots of opportunities to get involved.

Before the launch of Thrive Customer Voice, the organisation’s main source of customer involvement was through a fixed Customer Experience Panel. Whilst this approach had several dedicated customers as members, it was very formal, relied on regular attendance and Thrive recognised that it wasn’t necessarily representative of their wider customer base.

Taking this into consideration along with incoming regulation changes, Thrive decided it was time to review its engagement model.

Assistant Director Customer, Anne Bijum said “we wanted to use this as an opportunity to reset and look at ways we can involve more customers, get meaningful feedback and give people different opportunities to have their say.”

The new Thrive Customer Voice model uses multiple touch points to collect data and insights to build a picture of how things are truly going for customers. This information is then used to identify areas for review.

Once activities are completed, all input is fed back to Thrive’s Board and Leadership teams to consider any actions and members are updated on how their input is being acted on. This approach creates a greater connection between the feedback from customers and Thrive’s leadership. 

Customer Voice members have a say on Thrive’s Annual Report

Kicking off the new approach in July, the first activity involved sending a survey to ask members what they want to hear about in Thrive’s Annual Report for Customers. The findings are now being analysed, and members will be informed of any actions Thrive is taking in the coming weeks.

To celebrate the first activity, customers were in with the chance of winning a Ninja Foodi air fryer. Delighted winner, Mrs Dunham shared how pleased she was with the new engagement approach, “the way Thrive are going about customer engagement now is much better, it will benefit customers and if it isn’t too far to travel, I’d love to be involved in some focus groups”.

Making sure that all customers have an opportunity to get involved is key if the new approach is to be effective. “It was really easy to get involved and easy to fill out, I’m excited to get involved in further activities” says Mrs Dunham.

Members will be invited to take part in more upcoming activities, and customers can find out more about Thrive Customer Voice and the areas we’ll be working on at: thrivehomes.org.uk/getinvolved

Customers interested in becoming a member can easily do so by selecting their interests at portal.thrivehomes.org.uk/get-involved or by calling 0800 917 6077.

No matter how big or small the contribution, becoming a member opens up opportunities to influence positive change. In the words of Mrs Dunham, ‘Get involved!’.

It was really easy to get involved and easy to fill out, I’m excited to get involved in further activities

Mrs Dunham, Thrive Customer