We are currently experiencing a high level of calls

To keep our phone lines available for those who can’t get online and for emergencies, please use our digital services whenever you can.

Email us at: enquiries@thrivehomes.org.uk

Speak to us via live chat

Hello, this is Emma from Thrive Homes!

Before you get stuck into this newsletter, I'd like to update you on a few things we've been exploring.

Recently, 265 customers completed a survey to tell us what would help them to feel safer in their home. The results are in and you can view them using the link to my full update further down.  

We also caught up with a customer who shared how updating their customer record was much more than just filling in a form. They said:


“By being open with Thrive about my needs, they have been able to get me support through one of their partner organisations. I'm really grateful for the help I've received

There's so much more we can do if we know more about who is living in your home and their individual needs. Find out more in this newsletter.

Lastly, I'd like to wish you all the best for the upcoming special occasions, such as Diwali, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year. I hope you enjoy them with your family and friends.

Please remember that we have safety advice for you on our website at thrivehomes.org.uk/homesafety and on our Facebook page. This includes tips on how to prevent fires, electrical and gas safety advice, as well as what to do if there’s an emergency in your building.
Wishing you well this winter, 

Emma Murphy
Assistant Director Business Assurance & Risk

Would you know what to do if a fire broke out in your building?
Follow the advice in this video from the London Fire Brigade.

  • Your service updates
    • Why repair appointment wait times are longer right now
    • Grounds maintenance focuses for the winter months
    • The impact of cold weather on cleaning services
    • and more!

    Read about the latest status of our services

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  • We listen and act!

    Whether it’s a passing comment, a complaint, compliment, or a survey response – we use your feedback to understand where we can improve.

    View our latest customer satisfaction results and what actions we're taking to improve your experience.

    We'll be sharing how we compare to other landlords with Thrive Customer Voice members in the coming weeks, so be sure to sign up to hear all about this!

    Learn about the latest actions we're taking

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  • Planning a visit to our office?

    Our colleagues often work from home, so it’s easier to contact us by phone, email or webchat.

    We don’t want you to make a wasted journey, so please arrange an appointment with us before you set off.

    Ways to contact us 

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  • Damp, mould and winter repairs

    We'll work with you to sort any issues so you can stay safe, warm and well this winter.

    Our website has lots of guidance for you to understand how serious the issue is and what to do next. 

    Please let us know about any issues you find before the hard weather hits. For example, trees that may fall or loose roof tiles.

    Learn more

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  • Clean and safe

    When rubbish is put in the wrong bin or left on the floor, the local authority will not collect them. This causes bad odours, fire hazards, and health risks for you and your neighbours - plus, it puts service charges up.

    Learn more about what can be recycled and what to do if you come across an issue with your bin area.

    Learn more

  • Boost your energy savings

    Follow some simple steps to lower the amount of energy your heating system uses and more!

    Learn more

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Dates for your diary

  • Look out for your winter newsletter in the post at the beginning of December.
  • Our office will be closed from 5:30pm Friday 22nd December until 8am Tuesday 2nd January 2024.
  • Sign up to be a Thrive Customer Voice member and help us shape the future of our cleaning service in March 2024.