We are currently experiencing a high level of calls

To keep our phone lines available for those who can’t get online and for emergencies, please use our digital services whenever you can.

Email us at: enquiries@thrivehomes.org.uk

Speak to us via live chat

Hello and welcome to your latest update from Thrive Homes

It’s that time of year where we are finalising your actual statements to send to you at the end of the month. These detail how much your services cost last year, and whether you have overpaid or underpaid.

The cost-of-living increases have impacted everyone. Material and labour costs from our contractors have shot up as well as communal energy costs, and this is passed onto your service charges.

Knowing the impact of this, we decided to not increase our administration charge for handling your services this year. On top of this, we regularly review our contracts to make sure we’re getting the best value for you.

As ever, you will only pay for the services you receive - but we can only make sure of this with your feedback.

The easiest way to share this with us is on our website.

Darker evenings and mornings are starting to set in again, and temperatures will soon drop. In the coming months we’ll be adjusting communal heating and lighting timers to keep you safe and warm whilst saving energy where possible.

As always, if you notice any damage such as a communal close or a lighting timer that isn’t working, please let us know.

Remember, our website has guides on how to setup your heating system to use as little energy as possible whilst keeping your home warm. There’s also tips to save energy in other ways, and access to money help if you need it.

I hope you find the items in this newsletter useful, and if there's anything you'd like to hear about next time, please let us know.

Best regards,
Emma Comer
Assistant Director Estates & Facilities

Coming soon...

  • Tell us what could make you feel safer in your home and how we can your attention to important safety communications
  • Share what's important to you when it comes to our cleaning service.
  • Help us create a 'good neighbour' agreement so you can enjoy where you live.

Get involved at: thrivehomes.org.uk/getinvolved

  • Your service updates
    • Repair appointment times have reduced!
    • The grounds maintenance team are back to full strength and have expanded their in-house team
    • What we do to monitor and manage your cleaning service
    • and more!

    Read about the latest status of our services 

  • Complaining to us

    We'll deal with things like overflowing bins, any repairs or issues in your building as part of our service offer to you. 

    If you feel we've let you down, our formal complaints process makes sure things are put right and prevented from happening again. 

    You can make a complaint in a variety of ways so choose the option that works best for you. Contact us through our website, by email, use live chat, call us, send a letter or speak to a colleague when they visit.

    Learn about our complaints process 

    Our process meets the Housing Ombudsman's Code of Complaints, has just received extra legal powers..

  • What's your feedback telling us?

    In April, the new Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) were made a requirement by our Regulator. These are a set of questions we must ask you about things like our repairs service, complaints process, or how we’re listening to your views.

    The results are in and you can see how we are performing in line or above landlords in quite a few areas! 

    Find out more 

Fire doors protect you and can stop fire spreading to the rest of your building.

Learn how to check yours is in working order in six simple steps...

Dates for your diary

  • Your actuals statement will be with you at the end of September.
  • Let us know if you'd like to help us create a 'Good Neighbour Agreement' in the autumn.

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