We are currently experiencing a high level of calls

To keep our phone lines available for those who can’t get online and for emergencies, please use our digital services whenever you can.

Email us at: enquiries@thrivehomes.org.uk

Speak to us via live chat

Your latest email newsletter: August 2021



Welcome to your latest Thrive update!

We hope you have many exciting plans for the summer, especially now coronavirus measures have eased. As always, we will be continuing to look after your home carrying out routine maintenance and repairs – as well as being on hand for any emergencies 24/7.

The safety of you and our colleagues remains our priority. As you may have read in our our recent COVID update, we are keeping to safe working practices such as wearing face coverings, sanitising and social distancing whilst we go about our work and we invite you to do the same where you feel comfortable.

Throughout the pandemic many of us have been working in a different way, with greater use of digital solutions to deliver our services. We recognise how working in this way is convenient for you and saves us time, is kinder to the environment and ultimately delivers the same result. With this in mind, it makes sense to keep delivering our services in a digital way where possible – so it may be that you are asked to help us diagnose a repair by sending us photos or via video call, and your Home Plan visit may be held in the same way from time to time too.

Our aim is to still deliver the same quality of service – whether that’s in person or digitally – and we’d really appreciate your feedback, so we know how we’re doing. To make it easy for you, we’ve created a new area on our website for you rate our services – it takes less than one minute to complete and it really helps us out. Visit: thrivehomes.org.uk/rateaservice

Thank you again for your continued support, and I hope you find our latest e-newsletter update useful – you can access a copy at the bottom of this page.

Jo Barrett

Executive Director Operations