Thrive Homes work with external contractors to undertake our planned and cyclical maintenance programmes.
Planned and cyclical maintenance programmes include projects such as; external decoration works, replacing kitchen and bathroom units alongside improving a home's energy efficiency, and installing adaptations when required.
Determining what works to carry out and when
We carry out regular ‘Stock Condition Surveys’ so that we know the most we can about our properties. The survey assists us in assessing the age and condition of each building element, which in turn helps us to plan improvements or replacements that might be due in the future.
'Stock Condition Surveys' are undertaken by a mix of Thrive colleagues and external consultants from Rand Associations. The Surveys pull together information from a variety of sources such as our annual Home Plan visits to tenants, estate inspections, surveyor visits, customer feedback, repairs, and contractor call-outs. All of this provides us with a strong understanding as to what works are required and when this needs to be done.
Details of our planned maintenance programmes are published each year in our Annual Report for Customers.

A week in the life of a surveyor
Andy Davies shares what a week can be like as a surveyor at Thrive Homes. From managing home adaptations to roof replacement works and everything in between.
Find out more...Read on for more information about the projects that are currently underway. For all other repairs click here.
Aids and adaptations
We are working with Hertfordshire County Council Occupational Therapists and a number of specialist contractors to install wetrooms, ramps, and stairlifts to properties that meet the requirements of Thrive's Adaptations Policy.
Door Entry Systems
Door entry systems are crucial for home safety and security. Many existing systems are outdated and need specialist repairs, causing delays. Based on customer feedback, upgrades are being planned, and affected residents will be informed. Meanwhile, useful information on both new and old systems has been provided, click here for more information and user guides.
Electrical testing and upgrades
Working with TSG Building Services, we run our electrical testing programme on a five-year cycle. Testing may result in additional work being required to bring your system up to the latest safety standards. Any additional works i.e. replacing a fuse box or a full rewire will be planned in advance with the customer.
Fire doors
Following the review of the fire door industry in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, we chose to work with Nationwide and use the FDS door after extensive research and testing.
Nationwide have nearly completed our fire door replacement programme having installed over 700 fire doors in the past two years.
Please note: fire doors should not be worked on by an unqualified person and should not be tampered with i.e. nothing drilled or stuck to either the door or the door frame. Tampering with the doors will compromise not only your safety but your neighbours' also. All fire doors are tagged and logged as part of our way of marking them as fully compliant.
Thrive is in a long-term contract with TSG Building Services PLC who are replacing and installing energy-efficient gas boilers alongside reviewing radiator systems.
Once a boiler or radiator system has been installed or upgraded, customers will be contacted by GCS (Gas Compliance Service) who manage the audit of our gas installations and as well as gas servicing.
Heat metering
We are just about to start a new project with ISTA, to install metering devices to all radiators within properties on a communal heating system.
This project has been initiated to ensure we comply with the Government's Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulation.
Find out more at
Insulation upgrades: Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF)
Since March 2022, Thrive Homes has been successful in securing two lots of funding from the Government's Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund to improve the insulation of our homes.
We are continually exploring opportunities for additional funding to improve the energy efficiency of our housing stock.
Phase 1 (March 2022)
Thrive is working with Three Rivers District Council, Watford Borough Council, Watford Community Housing Trust and Ovo Energy to deliver this unique Government funded programme for insulation works. Read the press release here.
In the first phase of works, 82 Thrive homes have been identified and will have been contacted by a Retrofit Coordinator to confirm the scope of works.
Phase 2 (March 2023)
Three Rivers District Council and Thrive Homes secure a further £2.19 million to enhance the energy efficiency of a further 155 homes within the District. Read the press release here.
Find out more about both programme of works
Loft insulation
Shropshire Green Energy Centre have been appointed to install loft insulation to a number of Thrive homes following a successful grant funded programme of cavity wall insulation in the 2021-22 financial year.
Kitchens and bathrooms
We are working with PiLon Limited on a short-term basis prior to a longer term re-tender being issued in [rough date i.e. Jan 2023 / Spring 2023].
It is expected that a kitchen will last for around 20 years and a bathroom will last for 30. Once replacement has been agreed, a customer liaison officer from our sub-contractor will be in touch to arrange for a bespoke design to be carried out, including colour choices.
For those properties where we don't have an up to date asbestos survey, this will also be undertaken before replacement works can start.
You can find out more by downloading our Resident Pack here.
Redecoration of external and communal areas
We are currently six years into an eight-year programme to redecorate all our properties with Seville Developments, who also replace our communal flooring.
All internal walls and ceilings are decorated with a Class 0 paint, which reduces the spread of fire.
Refurbishment of Non-Traditional Homes
A non-traditional construction property is a home that is not built from brick or stone, such as concrete, precast reinforced concrete (PRC) and timber-frame.
Working with Valley Developments, we are undertaking a project to refurbish two of our non-traditional types of home - Cornish and Stent both PRC constructions.
During this project, customers will be moved to temporary accommodation whilst walls are rebuilt in a brick cavity to increase thermal efficiency.
We are currently in the fourth year of this long-term project which will see the conversion of all homes of this type within our portfolio.
Roof replacement works
Thrive has been in contract with MH Goldsmith and Sons for over five years to replace both flat and pitched roofing.
Any customers involved in the roofing replacement programme will be contacted two weeks before the scaffolding goes up, unless there is an emergency. Neighbours will also be notified by our contractor and a point of contact provided.
Windows and doors
We have been working with Anglian Building Products for over eight years, installing energy-efficient windows and high-security - composite - doors.
Once installed, we expect our windows to last for around 30 years.